Photo Courtesy of Big King Salmon Charters
WDFW Fishing Rule Change
Action: Anglers can keep 4 chinook daily south of Ayock Point in Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal) beginning July 1.
Effective Date: July 1 through Sept. 30, 2017.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: South of Ayock Point within Marine Area 12.
Reason for action: State and tribal fishery managers agreed to a four-chinook limit for this area during the annual season-setting process this spring. This corrects the limit listed in the 2017/18 Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Other information: Daily limit of 4 salmon, with a chinook minimum size limit of 20 inches. Release chum and wild chinook. Anglers may fish with two poles with a Two-Pole Endorsement. All waters within channels created by exposed tidelands are closed to salmon fishing at the Skokomish River mouth.
Other rules for waters south of Ayock Point remain unchanged, including Hoodsport Hatchery Zone. Check the sport fishing rules page for details on other fisheries:
Information contact: Mark Baltzell, (360) 902-2807, or Mark Downen, (360) 202-7005.