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home Top Stories Bouy 10 fishing at it’s best

Bouy 10 fishing at it’s best


When it comes to fishing the Columbia River Buoy 10 is one of the main go-to spots to target early spring and fall salmon in the Pacific Northwest. From the Oregon side in Astoria to Buoy 10 on the Washington side, you’ll find several Buoy 10 Fishing Guides targeting these fish and helping their clients experience some of the best fishing in the region. There is nothing quite like getting one of these beautiful fish in the boat and even better, afterward on the dinner table.


There are two key fishing season to go after these powerful hard fishing fish. First is the springer season which is arguably the best fishing action the Columbia has to offer. As early as April anglers from around the country start to congregate the mouth of the Columbia River where these fish start to stack up. Spring Chinook try to put as much fat on their bodies as they can before making their long journey upriver to spawn. During this time it a feeding frenzy as the spring Chinook follow the schools of smelt that enter the river system.


The Spring chinook season can run as late as June as the boats packed with fisherman follow these fish upriver as far as the Bonneville Dam.


The second season is the Columbia River Fall Salmon Season. Over the years there have been strong numbers of several species of salmon such as Chinook and Coho that run the Columbia. At the beginning of the fall salmon season Buoy 10 is the place to be trolling down the river to the mouth generally is the ticket and few boats head home disappointed.


If you’d like to know more about the fishing at Buoy 10 give our friend Daniel St. Laurent of St. Laurent’s Guide Service a call at (503) 440-5188. He is one of the best Buoy 10 fishing guides in the area and he’d be happy to serve you.




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