Photo courtesy of Big King Salmon Charters
WDFW Fishing Rule Change
Action: Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands) will close to salmon fishing at the end of the day April 21.
Effective Date: 12: 01 a.m. April 22 through April 30, 2017.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Marine Area 7.
Reason for action: Preliminary estimates and fishery projections indicate that Marine Area 7 will exceed the allowable limit of total chinook encounters – including both retained and released fish – prior to the planned April 30 closure date. The fishery is being closed to control impacts on stocks of concern and ensure compliance with conservation objectives.
Other information: Through April 21, Marine Area 7 has a one hatchery chinook limit. Salmon fishing remains open in other areas, including marine areas 5, 8-1, 8-2, 11, 12 and 13. Check the sport fishing rules page for details:
Information contact: Ryan Lothrop, (360) 902-2808, or Mark Baltzell, (360) 902-2807.