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home Recent News, Washington Fishing News Marine Area 7 salmon season re-opening on March 25th

Marine Area 7 salmon season re-opening on March 25th

03/23/2017 – John Snyder – Northwest Fishing News 


Action: Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands) will reopen to salmon fishing March 25. The daily limit for hatchery chinook salmon in Marine Area 7 will be one chinook, with an overall two-salmon daily limit. All coho and wild chinook salmon must be released.

Effective Date: March 25, 2017, through April 30, 2017.

Species affected: Salmon.

Location:  Marine Area 7 within Puget Sound.

Reason for action: Test fishery data collected during March indicates there are fewer juvenile (sublegal-size) chinook salmon present in Marine Area 7 waters than in recent months. Sufficient capacity exists to re-open the fishery within the guideline of 10,248 “chinook encounters” – including both retained and released fish – agreed to by the tribal co-managers before this year’s fishery began. Temporarily closing the fishery in mid-February allowed the state time to determine a reopening date that would give anglers opportunity later into the spring.

Other information:  WDFW will continue to monitor the fishery and will consult with the advisors as more information becomes available. The most recent preliminary estimates can be found at: Check the sport fishing rules page for details:

Information contact: Ryan Lothrop, (360) 902-2808.



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