J. W. Snyder NWFN 7/28/2015
WDFW announces that Sockeye numbers are good enough they will open Sockeye fishing on Lake Wenatchee
Good news for Washington anglers, even with the warm weather and significant closures, lake Wenatchee will open for Sockeye after all. Initially on July 16th the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife announced the closing of lake Wenatchee to Sockeye retention. Today WDFW hass announced that lake Wenatchee will open after all. Recent reports has concluded approximately 30,000 Sockeye are expected to make their way to lake Wenatchee and the state is allowing the harvest of around 7000 of the prized fish for the 2015 season. They have also indicated that if the quota is met we can expect Sockeye season on lake Wenatchee may close early.
For more information see WDFW https://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/erule.jsp?id=1644