Photo Courtesy of Danny Stonedahl of River Chrome Guide Service.
06/02/2016 – J. W. Snyder – NW Fishing News
Halibut fishing re-opens June 11 in marine areas 3, 4; Marine Area 1 all-depth fishery to close June 4
Actions: Recreational halibut fishing in Marine Area 3 (La Push) and Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay) will re-open for one additional fishing day on June 11, 2016.
The Marine Area 1 (Columbia River) all-depth quota is projected to be taken at the end of the day Friday, June 3. Halibut retention in the nearshore area in Marine Area 1 will continue to be permitted Mondays through Wednesdays until the subarea quota is reached.
Effective dates:
Marine Area 3 and 4: Open on June 11, 2016
Marine Area 1: Closed effective June 4, 2016
Species affected: Pacific halibut
Location: Marine Areas 1, 3 and 4.
Reason for action: There is sufficient quota remaining in Marine Areas 3 and 4 to open the recreational halibut fishery for another day. The recreational halibut quota for the all depth fishery in Marine Area 1 has reached the Pacific halibut quota reserved for this area; there is not enough quota pounds available to open this area for an additional fishing day. This rule conforms to federal action taken by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC).