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home Archives Commission meets Aug. 2 in Salem to set 2020 Sport Fishing Regulations – Aug. 1 joint meeting with Washington on Columbia River fishery policies

Commission meets Aug. 2 in Salem to set 2020 Sport Fishing Regulations – Aug. 1 joint meeting with Washington on Columbia River fishery policies


SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Friday, Aug. 2 at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem

The meeting starts at 8 a.m. and the agenda is online at

The Commission will be asked to modify its preference point system rules to provide an additional point to Resident Disabled Veterans license holders who are at least 65 years of age. Resident Disabled Veterans who draw their first choice hunt would have their points reset to one (instead of zero) for the next year’s draw, a benefit similar to the one provided to Resident Pioneer License holders.

The Commission will also be asked to appoint a Sport Fishing and Troll Representative to the Restoration and Enhancement Board and approve grants for seven projects to improve fisheries or fish habitat, increase angler access or fund fish research. They will also be briefed on the 2017-18 STEP (Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program) Annual Report.

Finally, the Commission will be asked to adopt 2020 Sport Fishing Regulations. Major changes proposed include expanding the use of two-rod validation to the Willamette River (above and below the Falls), Clackamas River, Sandy River, and Snake River above Brownlee Reservoir. The use of the two-rod endorsement has been allowed for the past few years in the Willamette and Clackamas Rivers by temporary rule, and the proposal would make it a permanent regulation and expand the opportunity into some new areas.

Additionally staff are proposing to allow the use of barbed hooks when fishing in the Columbia River. This was recently adopted as a temporary rule and approval of the change will make it a permanent rule while fishing for trout, salmon, and steelhead in the Columbia.

There will be an opportunity to testify about topics not on the formal agenda Friday morning, just after the adoption of temporary rules. Contact the ODFW Director’s office at least 48 hours before the meeting to testify during this portion of the meeting by calling (503) 947-6044 or (800) 720-6339.

On Thursday, Aug. 1 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at ODFW Headquarters (4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem), members of the Washington and Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commissions will have another joint meeting to discuss Columbia River fishing policies as part of efforts to find common ground. The Joint-State Columbia River Fishery Policy Review Committee, made up of members from each state’s commission, is working to find common ground for jointly managed fisheries, and emphasizes having concurrent regulations in these jointly managed waters.

The PRC group began meeting in January, and three additional meetings have been held. Materials from previous meetings can be found at

These workgroup meetings are not decision-making meetings. The workgroups will report back to their full Commissions, who will ultimately consider any changes to their respective polices.

Both Aug. 1 and Aug. 2 meetings will be livestreamed via YouTube and can be viewed at


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