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home Recent News, Washington Fishing News Wind River to remain closed to fishing above Shipherd Falls

Wind River to remain closed to fishing above Shipherd Falls


Action: The Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to Moore Bridge will remain closed to fishing.

Effective dates: Sept. 16 through Nov. 30, 2017

Species affected: All gamefish

Location: Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to Moore Bridge

Reason for action: A minimum escapement of 500 wild summer steelhead is needed to allow for the opening of a catch-and-release fishery above Shipherd Falls on September 16. Based on recent survey results and average run timing, the wild escapement is projected to be well below that objective. Summer steelhead returns have been low throughout the Columbia River basin this year. 

Other information: This area will be closed to all fishing to protect the low numbers of summer steelhead arriving this year to spawn. 

Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010.



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