Hatchery reared coho retention now allowed on Lake Sammamish

03/28/2017 – John Snyder – NW Fishing News   WDFW Fishing Rule Change  Action: Institutes landlocked salmon rules, allowing retention of marked hatchery-origin coho salmon. Adds a 12-inch minimum size to any marked hatchery-origin coho salmon. Location: Lake Sammamish (King Co.) Effective dates: Immediately through May 31, 2017. Species affected: Hatchery-origin coho salmon. Reasons for …

Rampant fishing access closures, will there ever be an end?

08/06/2016 – John Snyder – Northwest Fishing News   Normally this time of year, you would see determined anglers lined up along the beach at Salsbury point fishing for the Coho that are on their journey to spawning grounds within several Hood canal estuaries. Today the beach remains empty because the Washington Department of Fish …