Anglers may use barbed hooks at Wind River, Drano Lake to fish for hatchery chinook and steelhead
Action: The barbless hook restriction is rescinded through June.
Species affected: Chinook and steelhead
Location and effective dates:
Wind River from mouth (boundary line markers) upstream to 400 feet below Shipherd Falls: April 24 through June 30;
Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery (except closed waters from 400 feet below to 100 feet above coffer dam): May 1 through June 30;
Drano Lake from mouth (Highway 14 Bridge) upstream to markers on point of land downstream and across from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery: April 24 through June 30.
Other information: All other permanent rules apply including only barbless hooks can be used when fishing for sturgeon.
Anglers are reminded the night closure and anti-snagging rules will be in effect at Wind River above Shipherd Falls during the spring chinook season from May through June. When the anti-snagging rule is in effect, only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
Reason for action: Implements a public proposal recently approved during the 2015 North of Falcon Process. Analysis based on recent years’ sampling showed few wild salmon and steelhead are typically handled from mid-March through June. Surplus hatchery origin spring chinook are available for harvest.
Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010.