States approve 2021 sturgeon retention seasons below Bonneville Dam

Photo courtesy of Sturgeon Fishing Guides Columbia River Fishing Adventures   CLACKAMAS, Ore. – Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington recently adopted two recreational white sturgeon retention fisheries for the lower Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam. The first fishery will occur from the Wauna powerlines (at river mile 40) downstream to Buoy 10 at the …

Sturgeon retention closes in John Day Pool effective March 19

  CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Sturgeon retention fishing will close in the John Day Pool of the Columbia River (John Day Dam upstream to McNary Dam) as of 11:59 p.m. Thursday, March 18. The decision was made by fishery managers from Oregon and Washington after reviewing catch data that confirms the 105 fish guideline will likely be met …

Reduced steelhead bag limits for Snake River and tributaries for 2021 as low returns persist

  ENTERPRISE, Ore. – Fishery managers have extended reduced daily bag limits for hatchery steelhead in the Snake River and tributaries, including the Grande Ronde, Wallowa and Imnaha Rivers. The bag limit of two hatchery steelhead per day remains in effect from January 1 to April 30, 2021. Managers implemented the reduced bag limits at the …

The one hatchery steelhead limit continues upstream of The Dalles Dam until Jan. 1st

  CLACKAMAS, Ore. — Oregon and Washington fishery managers have decided to continue the one adult hatchery steelhead bag limit through March 31, 2021 for the ongoing fishery in the mainstem Columbia River from The Dalles Dam upstream to the Highway 395 Bridge near Pasco, WA. The low pre-season forecast prompted fishery managers to take …

Low flow angling closures on southwest Oregon rivers to be lifted on November 17th

  GOLD BEACH, Ore – Beginning tomorrow November 17th the low flow angling closures are lifted on the Chetco, Winchuck, and Sixes rivers. Recent rains and more showers expected this week have fall chinook moving up river and migrating throughout the mainstems of these rivers. For the Chetco and Winchuck rivers, anglers are reminded they …

Starting Nov. 1st Hatchery steelhead retention to be allowed above The Dalles Dam

  CLACKAMAS, Ore.— Due to a better-than-expected return of B-Index summer steelhead and low cumulative impacts to wild ESA-listed fish, Oregon and Washington fishery managers are easing steelhead regulations for the ongoing fishery in the mainstem Columbia River above The Dalles Dam. From Nov. 1-Dec. 31, anglers may retain up to one hatchery steelhead within …

Columbia River salmon bag limit includes two Chinook as of Oct. 1st

  CLACKAMAS, Ore.— Oregon and Washington fishery managers are liberalizing the bag limit for adult salmon on the Columbia River; beginning Oct. 1, the daily adult bag limit of two salmon may include up to two Chinook. The change applies to the ongoing recreational fishery open through Dec. 31 in the Columbia River from Buoy …

Two additional September days added to Columbia River Subarea recreational Pacific halibut fishery

    SALEM, Ore – Two more days (Sept. 28-29) are added to the Columbia River Subarea all-depth recreational Pacific halibut fishery. The subarea runs from Leadbetter Point, WA to Cape Falcon, OR and currently is open each Thursday and Sunday through September 30 or until the quota is met. Enough quota remains to add …

Blake Bernier catches his second salmon on the Big Quil River

Nine year old Blake Bernier from Fife, Washington caught the second salmon of his young life today on the Big  Quilcene river. Blake was giving fishing lessons to allot of the folks on the water who where swinging away trying to snag fish but coming up empty handed.  Blake had his rig set up with …

Joint Staff report on current status of Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead fisheries

One June 25 both Washington and Oregon closed the Columbia river for Sockeye and Steelhead retention from the mouth all the way to McNary Dam. Harvest goals were met forcing the closure. At 1pm on Tuesday the Washington/Oregon joint (PRC) committee held a compact hearing is regards to treaty summer commercial fisheries and the recreational …