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home Recent News, Washington Fishing News WDFW closes the Tahuya river to salmon retention and redefines access to Chico and Gorst creek.

WDFW closes the Tahuya river to salmon retention and redefines access to Chico and Gorst creek.

J. W. Snyder, NWFN – June 18, 2015


The Mouth Of Chico Creek

Olympic Peninsula – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has closed down Salmon retention on the Tahuya river located in Kitsap county and further restricts access to Gorst and Chico creeks. Kitsap county has taken a hit for the 2015 salmon season with one of the county’s most popular rivers being closed to fishing for salmon and two of the most popular saltwater bank fishing areas having further fishing access restrictions applied as well.

Currently the Washington Department of fish and Wildlife has redefined the boundary’s in regards to fishing access on both Gorst and Chico creeks. These restricted areas are now to include all waters within channels created by exposed tidelands.

Originally anglers where allowed to fish the area’s of the creeks past the high tide line. Now with the new restrictions once cherished access will be illegal to fish. The decisions came due low salmon returns on the Tahuya river over the last couple years and to prevent snagging at the mouths of the Chico and Gorst creeks.



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